The Resideo Honeywell Home PROSiXMINI2 is a wireless miniature door/window alarm contact that is intended for use with control panels that support PROSiX-Series devices. The PROSiXMINI2 mini door/window contact is compatible with the ProSeries PROA7, ProSeries PROA7C, ProSeries Canada PROA7CN, ProSeries PROA7PLUS, ProSeries PROA7PLUSC or ProSeries Canada PROA7PLUSCN all-in-one wireless touchscreen control panels. The PROSiXMINI2 mini alarm contact should be placed on the doors and windows that you want to protect within 200 feet of the ProSeries panel. This form of perimeter protection provided by this wireless alarm contact serves as the first line of defense against burglary intrusion.
The PROSiXMINI2 is simple to install and setup on either wood or steel doors/windows. The magnet gap should be no greater than 1.15 in. (29.21mm) on wooden doors/windows and no greater than 0.52 in. (13.21mm) on steel door/windows. When installing, please ensure that the magnet is aligned with the top of the sensor. Next, enroll the device in the ProSeries control panel.
The blue LED lights when the sensor has been enrolled in the system and the magnet is within proper range of the PROSiXMINI2. The LED is active for 8 minutes after the initial power up, with the cover installed. To reactivate the LED, just remove the cover. It will remain active while the cover is removed or for 8 minutes if the cover is reinstalled. The cover should be removed from the device in order to view the LED.
After enrolling, verify adequate signal signal strength by conducting a PROSiXMINI2 sensor test with the device in its intended mounting location. And, if necessary, adjust the device location and orientation.