The Resideo Honeywell Home PROLTE-CN is a cellular alarm communicator, designed for use with the ProSeries PROA7CN, PROA7PLUSCN wireless touchscreen control panel. The PROLTE-CN communicator sends alarm signals over the Bell cellular LTE towers within the country of Canada to AlarmClub's central monitoring station. The module connects directly to the ProSeries control panel and is powered via the panel's connection.
If you are adding the external antenna PROLTE-ANT to your ProSeries PROLTE-CN cellular Bell LTE communicator please note the following. The external antenna gain shall not exceed 6.63 dBi for 700MHz and 850MHz, 6.0 dBi for 1700MHz and 8.51 dBi for 1900MHz. Under no conditions may an antenna gain be used that would exceed the ERP and EIRP power limits as specified IC RSS-130, RSS-132, RSS-133 and RSS-139.
Product Features:
Bell cellular LTE towers
Supports both all-in-one and hybrid solutions
End-user replaceable
Extend the range and increase the signal coverage with optional extended antenna (PROLTE-ANT)
id:prolte-cn-resideo-honeywell-home-proseries-cellular-bell-lte-alarm-communicator-canada|image:|name:PROLTE-CN - Resideo Honeywell Home Cellular Bell Canada LTE Alarm Communicator (for ProSeries and VISTA H3CN Canada Control Panels)|price:163.34|rating:0|rollimage:|brand:Honeywell Home|price:245|frequency:|installation:DIY Install|wired-zones:|wireless-zones:|color:|compatible:ProSeries Panels, VISTA H3CN Panel|network:Cellular Bell LTE Canada|resolution:|monitoring-type:|property-type:|communication:|supervision-test:|interactive-app:|environment: